Growth Potential Test

Invision Consulting developed with its expert partners in all domains, a free test which gives insight into the potential your company already uses, and how much potential output is still lost.

The test takes less than 10 minutes, and immediately points to the areas which still need improvement in order to attract the right human capital, and retain it. Only when the company receives a score of 5 or 6 in each domain, will it be a magnet for top talent.

The result of of your company can immediately be compared to the average score of other companies that have taken the test.

Growth Potential Test

Model for Sustainable Growth

The spiderweb chart is based on our own model for Sustainable Growth©, and reflects the score in the 16 domains that are critical for prolonged, sustainable growth, in balance with employees, society and the planet.

The model for Sustainable Growth was created out of a need at the intersection of the market, society and climate, based on 20 years of consultancy experience, of which 10 years in mergers,  acquisitions and carve-outs.

The model was validated by 21 domain-experts with on average 17 years of experience within their field of expertise.

Growth Potential Test

Once the test is completed, the report with the result will be sent within 24 hours on the email address you have filled in.

Start the test!